The Trip

One man, two wheels, 30,000 kilometres, 40 countries and innumerable saddle sores on a journey across the continents. In support of Save the Children.

Follow my progress:

If all goes well, this tour will take me to all seven continents. Starting
with world’s second largest continent, Africa. I will be cycling from the Cape to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; this is a relatively well trodden route but I will be making a number of pit stops to take the sights such as Mt Kenya and perhaps get on the trail of Gorillas in the depths of Uganda.

Next stop is the Gateway to the East: Istanbul. The route will take me through the ‘Stans’ and onto the steppe, before passing the Great Wall of China and reaching the end of my second leg in Beijing.

The Australian phase starts in Cairns, with a quick stop to dive on the Great Barrier Reef, before cycling along the Gold Coast to Sydney.

North America is the next stage where I will cross the Golden Gate Bridge before turning south through Mexico and central America. In Nicaragua I will pass a chain of active volcanoes and in Costa Rica I may have to fend off monkeys on the beach or listen to the bellows of the Howler Monkeys in the rain forests.

South America starts with Colombia before going to to Ecuador, from where it is my plan will be to pop over to the Galapagos (who knows when I might get another chance). The route will take me south through Peru and into Chile; it’s at this point that I hang a left into Bolivia where I will encounter the biggest physical obstacle – the Andes. If I make it over these towering mountains I will emerge into Brazil and pedal onto the South Atlantic coast at Sao Paulo.

Europe: I will be returning to a post-Brexit world, starting in the northern reaches in Helsinki. Cycling north around the Baltic, I will pay a visit to Santa Claus in Lapland before returning south through Sweden, German, Belgium and France. The last leg of the trip will be Paris to London. It is my hope that I can convince a few friends to join me for the last few miles home to London.

The Antarctic poses the biggest logistical challenge of this endeavour. To put it frankly, I do not have a clue how I can get there. So if anyone has any suggestions, contacts or know how please get in touch.

The Route

Africa: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia,

Asia: Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, China

Australia: Australia

North America: USA, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,  Panama

South America: Colombia, Ecuador, Galapagos, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil


Europe: Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France, England