The Rider


Harry Morris. 30 years of age. A keen mini adventurer, be it weekends mountain biking in Devon, cycling London to Paris or a four day whirl wind trip to India. I decided it was time to take things further, so I’ve quit my job and I am having a go at cycling around the world.

I plan to set my wheels on all seven continents, though admittedly this maybe a tad over ambitious! Along the way I’m sure there will be trials in the form of mountains and miles, but I will be rewarded with innumerable experiences be it the people and cultures I encounter, wildlife or simply the African sunset. I hope to bring these experiences to life through some very amateur photography and creative writing.


I love adventure, from the initial idea to washing the well earned grime away in a hot shower on completion.

I don’t know when the idea took root; a drunken chat in the pub with friends or perhaps in an aimless day dream over a coffee in the afternoon sun, but took root it did. Literally for years since I’ve dreamt of what route I might take and what I may get the chance to see and do. It will come as a serious relief to two friends in particular that I’ve finally put my money where my mouth is, got off my arse and started this trip; so for now they can stop hearing about my plans and actually see what I am achieving.