
Let’s raise some money!

In undertaking this venture I am hoping to raise money for Hope and Homes for Children

Hope and Home for Children

“Families not Orphanages”

Their Story

Hope and Homes for Children was the creation of two extraordinary individuals who believed that every child had the right to grow up in a loving family. Today, the organisation that Mark and Caroline Cook started at their kitchen table in Wiltshire in 1994, is at the forefront of a growing global movement to eradicate the institutional care of children

Please Donate at:


For every £1 we received, Save the Children spend 89p on our activities to benefit children, 10p to raise the next £1and 1p on governance and other costs.

Find out more about Save the Children and the Emergency Fund:


Such a venture is by no means easy and certainly not cheap! I am hoping to travel to all seven continents primarily sleeping rough to save money. If you are able any extra support you could provide would be appreciated.

Any donations which are given to help me complete this epic journey would be reserved for much needed but occasional cheap hotel/hostel costs or to help fund a return ticket to the cold continent of Antarctica. Without support it is unlikely that I will achieve my goal. Any remaining funds in this pot on my return would go towards Save the Children.

But I will gladly receive any support just an email or a quick message will do me a world of good when I am out on the road away from friends and family.

So if you are feeling especially generous click on the link below!


If you happen to be especially eager and want to support this adventure and the Emergency Fund organise a fund raising event be it as small as a cake sale or in the spirit of cycling a sponsored please send me some pictures and a few words about your adventure and I endeavour to post your pics to say thanks.